We are so excited to see our K-5th grade Seaton Stingers tomorrow! Here are a few reminder to ensure you are ready!

Ask, Ask, Look Screening Protocol

  • Complete the Ask, Ask, Look screening AT HOME so that arrival is swift and efficient. Upon arrival, our PTCs will ask if you have completed the Ask, Ask, Look protocol, and families will need to confirm verbally!
  • Do not send your child to school if they have symptoms. 

COVID Safety Protocols

  • All individuals must wear masks while on school property.
  • Adults must adhere to social distancing while on campus (6 ft of space).
  • Students will be 3ft – 6ft apart to the greatest extent possible.
  • All safety protocols can be found here: https://dcpsreopenstrong.com/health/       

COVID Testing

  • As of Friday, 8/27, all students in DCPS schools will be eligible for asymptomatic, symptomatic, and close contact COVID testing. No action needed on your part.
  • Testing is now a saliva based test (no nasal swab). Check out this video:  Saliva Testing.  
  • If you would like to opt out of COVID testing – please complete this form and email it to suzanne.jacobs@k12.dc.gov OR send it in to your child’s teacher.

Travel Guidance

  • In mid-August, the travel guidance changed.
  • Unvaccinated individuals who travel outside the DMV are recommended to quarantine for 10 days OR return after a negative PCR COVID test 3 – 5 days after returning from travel.
  • We can no longer require it. However, families are urged to follow the recommendation and quarantine their student if they have travelled for the safety and health of everyone. 

What if my child has to quarantine because of something outside of school?

  • If your child tests positive for COVID, or is identified as a close contact (family member tests positive, etc) – your student is required to immediately isolate or quarantine
    • Guidance for Close Contacts
      • If an unvaccinated student is a close contact to someone who tests positive for COVID-19, they will be required to quarantine for at least 7 days. Students or staff may return to the classroom on day 8 days if they take a COVID-19 test on or after day 5 and receive a negative result.
      • Unvaccinated students who do not take a test must quarantine for 10 days.
  • Guidance for a positive COVID test
    • Anyone who tests positive for COVID-19 should not attend school and should quarantine.
    • In the case that a student is confirmed to have contracted COVID-19, the following re-entry criteria apply:
      • If symptomatic, a student may return only after: At least 24 hours after the fever has resolved without the use of fever-reducing medication (e.g., Motrin, Tylenol) and respiratory symptoms have improved; AND At least 10 days* after symptoms first appeared, whichever is later.
      • If asymptomatic, a student may return only after 10 days from the date of a positive test.