Parent Guide

    School Hours

    Seaton opens its main front doors to all students at 8:15 a.m. each school day. All students should be in their classrooms and ready to learn by 8:45 a.m.

        • Breakfast Hours: 8:15 a.m. to 8:40 a.m.

        • Core School Hours: 8:45 a.m. to 3:15 p.m.

        • Afterschool: (for students who are enrolled): 3:15 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.

      Students from kindergarten through fifth grade have breakfast  in the cafeteria. At 8:40 a.m, the teachers come and bring them to their classrooms. PreK-3 and PreK-4 students have breakfast in their respective classrooms. 


      Afterschool Program

      The afterschool program at Seaton is managed by DC Public Schools. The DCPS afterschool programs allow students to participate in academic and extracurricular enrichment activities and to develop new hobbies and skills. DCPS teachers, paraprofessionals, and community-based organizations provide a variety of unique options to students. All students need to register to be able to participate in the afterschool program. Seats are available first-come, first-served. For more information, visit DCPS Afterschool and use this form to begin registration.

      The afterschool program at Seaton is free and runs from 3:15 to 6 p.m. each day. The afterschool program for the prekindergarten program is currently run through YMCA and includes outdoor time, STEM activities, arts and crafts, and time in the garden. Afterschool activities for kindergarten to fifth-grade students include Academic Power Hour, Girls on the Run, DC Scores and Chess Club.

      For the 2024-2025, we are working on expanding our afterschool activities. Stay tuned for more information!

      For questions on the afterschool program, contact Seaton afterschool coordinator Lisa Kirkpatrick at

      Uniform Policy

      All Seaton schoolgirls are expected to come to school daily wearing a uniform. Prekindergarten to fifth-grade students should come to school dressed in navy blue bottoms and a white top or Seaton t-shirt. Students are expected to wear clothing and footwear appropriate for the weather and for physical education.

          • Tops: White button-down collared shirt, polo shirt with collar or Seaton logo T-shirt.

          • Bottoms: Navy pants, shorts, skirts, skorts or jumpers (below the knee).

          • Footwear: Any closed-toe shoes. No open-toed sandals or flip-flops.


        At Seaton, we take attendance very seriously. If you know your child will be absent in advance, please fill out the attendance form.

        Per DCPS guidelines, regular school attendance is required by DC law for children ages 5 to 18. Although not required by law, it is just as important for children ages 3 and 4 to have regular attendance as well. Attending school every day and on time is critically important and has a huge impact on learning from kindergarten through high school. Even as children grow older and become more independent, families play a key role in making sure regular attendance is a priority.

        Some absences are unavoidable, but when a student misses too much school—excused or unexcused—they can fall behind academically. Students are much less likely to succeed when they are chronically absent and/or miss 18 or more days in a school year.

        For the 2024-2025 school year, Seaton will implement the “60/40” attendance policy as required by the DC Office of the State Superintendent of Education (OSSE). This means if your child attends school for less than 60% of the day, it will be tracked as a 60/40 absence. This applies to both excused and unexcused absences.

        To support your child being marked present for the full day, please make sure they arrive on time and stay until the close of the school day every day. Please note that the following late arrivals and/or early dismissals will result in your child being considered legally absent for the day:

          • Students arriving after 11:25 a.m.
          • Students leaving before 12:35 p.m.
          • Students arriving late and leaving early and missing more than 40% of the scheduled school day.

        If your child received a seat through the out-of-boundary lottery and has 10 unexcused absences or 20 unexcused tardies, they may be asked to return to their neighborhood school at the end of the school year.

        For more information on the DCPS Attendance Policy, please refer to the DCPS Handbook.

        Please use this form to report if a student was or is going to be absent or tardy.

        Emergencies, Delays and Closures

        All emergencies, delays and closures are designated by DCPS officials.

        There are several options for staying informed about school emergencies, delays or closures:

            • Listen to the local news on the TV and radio

            • Sign up to receive text messages by texting NEWS to 91990

          If an emergency occurs during the school day, know that the Seaton staff has been trained to evacuate, shelter in place or take the appropriate measures depending on the situation. The school will allow you to connect with your child as soon as it is safely possible.


          Free breakfast, lunch, afterschool snack and afterschool supper meals are free for all Seaton students. For children who wish to bring their lunches from home, please let your teacher know so he or she can provide guidance on any allergies. Our meals are provided to us by SodexoMAGIC and Revolution Foods.


            When visiting and picking up your child(ren), please check in with the security guard prior to accessing the school hallways and grounds. All visitors must adhere to the posted visitor’s policy, which includes signing in, showing identification to the guard and then reporting to the main office.


            Street parking

            Parents may park in forward-facing (Q Street) or along the side streets (9th, 10th, and P streets) of the school. The parking lot in the back is reserved for employee parking.


            For parents and students who bike to school, there is a bike rack located in front of the main entrance.


            DCPS does not provide yellow bus transportation for students. However, through the Kids Ride Free Act, the District Department of Transportation offers students reduced Metrorail fares through the School Transit Subsidy and free Metrobus/DC Circulator access Monday-Friday, 5:30 a.m. to 9 a.m. and 2 p.m. to 8 p.m. only.

            Students must use their active and registered DC One Card in order to ride the Metrobus/DC Circulator. They will only have to visit a Metro Sales Office once every school year to activate the DC One Card and will be able to renew their monthly pass at any Metro station—unless they let their pass expire. Students will also be able to enroll online and receive partial refunds for lost or stolen passes.

            Fortunately, Seaton is located closely to the Shaw/Howard University metro stop on the yellow and green line. Since there are two exits from this station, be sure to exit from the Rhode Island Avenue exit.

            Seaton Feeder Pattern

            Seaton Elementary has historically been in the Cardozo Education Campus feeder pattern, but starting with the lottery for SY25-26, Seaton’s feeder pattern will undergo several changes.

            Starting in 2025, Seaton will temporarily feed into John Francis Education Campus (formerly School Without Walls at Francis-Stevens) for 6th grade. Middle school grades in the Cardozo building will be phased out. For SY25-26, SY26-27, and SY27-28, Seaton students entering 6th grade will be able to attend Francis or their in-boundary middle school without entering the lottery.

            In 2028, Seaton will feed into a new middle school that DCPS plans to open at 800 Euclid Street NW. The Deputy Mayor for Education recommended in 2024 that the new middle school’s geographic boundary will include Cleveland, Garrison, and Seaton. The DME also recommended that students from Marie Reed, H.D. Cooke, and Tubman have programmatic rights to the new school as a non-dual language alternative to their in-boundary school, Columbia Heights Education Campus. The new middle school and Francis Education Campus will continue to feed into Cardozo for 9th grade. 

            Ward 2 Educational Council

            Seaton is located in Ward 2, and the Ward 2 Education Council advocates for the needs of Ward 2 schools. Seaton’s PTO sends a representative to W2EC’s monthly meetings. Guests at these meetings include officials from DCPS, OSSE, and other city agencies, as well as Council members and the office of the Deputy Mayor for Education. Seaton families are welcome to attend these meetings and get involved with the committee. To receive details about upcoming meetings and issues facing Ward 2 schools, join the W2EC email list.

            Title I Documents

            Title 1 Letter

            Title 1 Parent Compact

            Title 1 Parent & Family Engagement Policy